Illahee in Sammamish

Illahee Homeowners: If you have HOA-related questions or concerns, our community is managed by a services firm, PropVivo. To contact them, email

We are a community of 104 homes started in 2005 and located in Sammamish, WA. Illahee is surrounded by beautiful green and wetlands.

"Illahee" is a word from the Chinook language and means Earth or Place. Chinook was a trade language widely used in the Northwest prior to statehood.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Garage sale - over for this year: 
Saturday August 17th, we held our annual neighborhood garage sale!
A big THANK YOU to Lori Stark of Lot 8 for volunteering to organize this Illahee event!  Lori advertised in the local papers and signed the local area.  She calls our 2013 sale a "mild success" with 9-10 homes participating, probably due to the late summer date coinciding with summer vacations.  Perhaps next year we will try for an earlier date, so you can start that pile of garage sale items growing again :)

My kids thought the sale was a SUPER success as they were thrilled to find treasures for quarters just down our block.  Our neighbors, the Wright family of lot 77, were equally thrilled to offload all said treasures to my family and their kids' pockets were jingling when the Pound family left!  

(This post updated August 22, 2013) 


Monday, July 1, 2013

At last!

Playground Update!
Expect installation of our green Sierra Climber on Monday SEPTEMBER 16th.  We expect the Climber to be tamper resistant with ability to hold up against big kid play.  The 2 existing structures will be repaired.  We hope to gather a community work party to prepare the lot for the “Climber" on the weekend of September 14-15, and to repair the aging park benches.  Look for work party plans, and involve our teenagers - our teens could do a spectacular job, and take ownership of and pride in the playground project.

(This post updated August 22, 2013)